About Us

About Ashby Angling Club

Ashby Angling Club offers it’s members quality fishing at an affordable price via it’s annual members ticket.

Established in 1951 it has always been volunteer-led, and it’s profits always go straight back into the club.
We focus on improving the quality of the fishing for our members whilst continuously improving the clubs infrastructure at the same time.

We “cap” our memberships to ensure the pressure on our venues (and our fish!) isn’t too great… so as/when tickets become available they are highly sought after!

We regularly run work parties and club matches which we encourage members to get involved with.

The Committee

Ed Downing

Ed Downing

07772 569479
Kevin Gee

Kevin Gee

Tel; 07931842063
Mick Marshall

Mick Marshall

07875 103333
Martin Stanton

Martin Stanton

Graham Bentham

Graham Bentham

07791 502948
Jamie Caous

Jamie Caous

Philip Burbank

Philip Burbank

Ryder Hurn

Ryder Hurn

Garry Tisor

Garry Tisor

Adrian Preston

Adrian Preston

Chris Webster

Chris Webster

Daniel Martin

Daniel Martin

Our Bailiffs

 Jason Granger
 Ryder Hurn
Garry Tisor
 Richard Bailey (Wiggs)
Pat Bailey (Wiggs)
 Chris Webster
Peter Allison
Matt Dennis
 Alan Holland
 Nick Ashman
 Martin Stanton
 Rod Levens





Get in touch

If you’d like to learn more about our club, membership or anything else, please get in touch.